Diving More Into 95Network Coaching: What It Is And How We Help You (w/Jon Sanders & Travis Stephens) – Episode 125

Diving More Into 95Network Coaching: What It Is And How We Help You (w/Jon Sanders & Travis Stephens) – Episode 125

In this episode, Caralee is joined by two of our awesome team members here at the 95Network, Jon Sanders and Travis Stephens. Jon serves as our Coaching Director and is also a full-time firefighter and one of the founders of EntrePastor, an organization that helps pastors identify ways to create additional sources of income for their families. Travis is our Membership and Social Media Director and is the Executive Pastor of Strong Tower Church in Tennessee. 

Jon and Travis dive a little deeper into what coaching through 95Network looks like, what it includes, and how it can help pastors. We touch on the isolation pastors often feel, which leads them to burnout and discouragement. We also talk about how having a group of other people who can share stories, encourage, and give sound advice is priceless for leading successfully. 

Pastors, our prayer for you today is that God provides exactly what you need to accomplish His mission. We’re here for you.


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Key Takeaways

1) Coaching provides a safe environment for pastors to talk about and unpack issues they’re facing. It’s hard for many pastors to find support and community within their church, and even if they do, there are some things that they just can’t share. A coach can provide you with accountability and insight into issues that should be addressed and kept in confidence.

2) Pastoral coaching is a wise and necessary investment. Some of the greatest leadership lessons we can learn often come from the wisdom, experience, and guidance of those who may be a little further down the road than us. How could you benefit from having a trusted and experienced mentor in your life?

3) You need someone to identify the best in you, to see things you can’t see, and to lift you up when you need support. During the podcast, Jon gives an example of how you’ll never find a high-level athlete who doesn’t have a coach. Like athletics, you need a coach to help give you the tools to reach your goals and succeed. You also need someone to be in your corner cheering you on when things get tough.

4) There’s a difference between coaching and counseling. Counseling is a priceless and often necessary tool in learning to reflect on your past and letting the Holy Spirit heal your wounds. Coaching is meant to motivate you and help you look into the future.


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