Innovation, Boldness, and Growth In The Church (w/Chris Bright and Lee Button from – Episode 118

Innovation, Boldness, and Growth In The Church (w/Chris Bright and Lee Button from – Episode 118

In today’s episode, we’re talking to Chris Bright and Lee Button from in the United Kingdom. Much like us here at 95Network, aims to equip small churches with a vision for the future and tools to handle their day-to-day operations. They’re passionate about helping church leaders find a way to do things better.

This conversation is full of hope and encouragement, especially for the future of God’s church. As we’ve entered into a new way of thinking and living in the past couple of years, people are beginning to look towards the church for stability and security.

Take some time to listen and hear what Chris and Lee have to say!


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Key Takeaways

1) People are looking for something stable and secure. In the United Kingdom, Christianity has been on the decline for quite some time. Interestingly, it seems as though people are starting to look back toward the church for something bigger than themselves.

2) Innovation and boldness are the precursors to growth. Over the last two years, churches have had to learn to be flexible and innovative. While this has been difficult, it’s also shown them that they can change. Chris and Lee are witnessing a new attitude in many small churches right now. Leaders are focused on their goals and going after them in faith and with boldness.

3) The goal is to keep pushing for new ideas and innovation. After the pandemic dies down, it’s still important to keep the momentum going. We need to avoid hitting a plateau by letting go of the past and reaching towards the future. Fresh ideas and strategies are necessary.

4) When you invite God in, prepare to be brave. When you pray for God to move in your life and in your church, be prepared for Him to ask you to do brave things. Also, know that this will likely come with some pruning. But remember, any level of pruning is going to bud.

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