Don’t Sacrifice Your Soul for Your Church: Calling, Burnout, & Leading Change (w/ Dave Jacobs) – Episode 24

Don’t Sacrifice Your Soul for Your Church: Calling, Burnout, & Leading Change (w/ Dave Jacobs) – Episode 24


Can I just say how much I love doing this podcast?

Today is another one of our favorite conversations we’ve had with a new friend in ministry. We got to talk with Dave Jacobs, founder of Small Church Pastor, author, and coach for church leaders.

We talked about how he first became a Senior Pastor at the age of 21, his journey through burnout, how to avoid becoming cynical or jaded, the consistent things he hears from the pastors he’s coaching, leading change, and a whole lot more.

Plus, we got to hear about how he’s never ridden a horse (and a bonus Yoda impression at the end of the episode). This is an episode I personally loved hosting and listening back to, and it’s one you don’t want to miss:

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Here are some key takeaways from today’s conversation:

  1. You don’t recover from burnout without a plan. I loved this statement from Dave. We dig more into this in the bonus conversation for 95Network members, but the reality is that time doesn’t just fix where we’re at. It takes an intentional plan to move back into health as a leader.
  2. God is more interested in you than your church. This is a tough one for us pastors. I spent most of my life feeling like God was disappointed in me because of the size of my ministry. Jesus loves you for who you are, not what you accomplish for Him.
  3. Don’t let your “calling” keep you bound up in an unhealthy situation for too long. We dig deep into this throughout the episode, but a lot of pastors are stuck in some unhealthy situations and often stay in that dysfunctional environment for too long. Be sensitive to God’s leading, but losing your health, family, marriage, or kids for an unhealthy church is simply not worth it.

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