Guest Experience, Follow-Up, and Volunteer Training (w/ Jeanette Yates) – Episode 30

Guest Experience, Follow-Up, and Volunteer Training (w/ Jeanette Yates) – Episode 30


Today’s episode, sponsored by Twitter (just kidding), is a really fun one. We got to have Jeanette Yates, Communications Manager at Text in Church, on the podcast to talk through guest experience, guest follow-up, volunteer training, and how the team at Text in Church is supporting churches during this season of ministry.

Jeanette is such an encouragement! And her insights are so valuable in thinking through how we can be intentional in engaging our community during this season of ministry and in the weeks ahead.

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Here are some key takeaways from today’s conversation:

  1. Start with the right question. So often we jump straight to the tools we think we need. But we don’t take the time to consider who we’re trying to reach. This is the foundation that a strategy can be built on.
  2. People don’t come to church (online or in-person) from a neutral place. We have to start thinking about what barriers people have in their head or heart when they come to our church or watch our livestream. How can we break down those barriers?
  3. You need to show love to your volunteers like you want them to show love to others. If you want the best from your volunteers, you need to give them your best. Train them. Show them love. Encourage them.

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