Rural Church Turnaround (w/ Danny Davis) – Episode 43

Rural Church Turnaround (w/ Danny Davis) – Episode 43


“I got this sense that the rural church had really been forgotten about.”

Today we’re joined by Danny Davis, author of Rural Church Turnaround and Pastor of Life Point Church in Odessa, MO. Danny has a rich story, spending 11 years planting and revitalizing churches in South Africa before coming back to pastor a rural church in Odessa, MO. He also holds a Doctor of Education in Transformational Leadership.

Danny shares some insights from the research he did for his recent book of successful church turnarounds in rural contexts. We cover topics like navigating change, what it takes to lead a turnaround in a rural context, the heart of a pastor, church size, and a whole lot more. We hope you’ll be encouraged and challenged as you listen through!


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