Rich Birch on Leading in Crisis Mode, Recovering Volunteerism, and the Most Negative Thing He’s Ever Said On A Podcast – Episode 72

Rich Birch on Leading in Crisis Mode, Recovering Volunteerism, and the Most Negative Thing He’s Ever Said On A Podcast – Episode 72


“So many of our churches get to a point where they can take in finances to sustain staff, and then they stop growing.” – Rich Birch

Rich Birch is one of the leading voices in church leadership today, having the privilege of leading in one of the very first multisite churches in North America. An author and speaker, Rich focuses on highlighting practical solutions to support leaders in impacting their communities.

In this high-energy conversation, Rich shares his heart about what he’s seeing in the Church right now. From the real concern of pastoral exhaustion to the serious problem of reduced volunteerism, listen in to hear his wisdom on the moment we’re all walking through.

On a personal level, I respect Rich deeply. This episode is one that I really think every leader, and their entire team, needs to listen to. I look forward to hearing what stands out most to you!

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Key Takeaways

1) If you haven’t taken a break since last March, it’s time to do that. The pressures that are here aren’t going to suddenly disappear. Because we’ve all been leading in crisis mode, leaders have taken on much more responsibility and stress. Exercise surrendering your ministry to God and take a break.

(In case there’s part of you that wants to skip by that point, go back and read it one more time. ⛪)

2) More volunteers in a church is correlated to greater effectiveness. This is the biggest problem most of our churches are facing. As our churches have taken a step back in volunteerism, we have to be intentional about structuring to recover and improve our volunteer culture.

(Hint: Rich says relationships are the currency of engaging middle-majority people to volunteer.)

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