The Journey of the Soul (w/ Bill Gaultiere) – Episode 67

The Journey of the Soul (w/ Bill Gaultiere) – Episode 67


I love when we get to share “soul care” episodes on the podcast. This is one of those episodes.

Bill Gaultiere is a Psychologist and pastor/mentor to pastors. He writes and speaks to thousands of people every week through Soul Shepherding. He was personally mentored for many years by Dallas Willard and Ray Ortlund Sr., and is the author of the new book Journey of the Soul.

I truly believe this episode will be such an encouragement to you. Bill shares fresh language to help us understand the full journey of discipleship, how we can calm our soul, reminders on making Sabbath an actual part of our rhythm, and he closes the episode by leading us through a breath work exercise.

This conversation will give you fresh perspective this week!

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Key Takeaways

1) You need a friend. We all do. But a huge majority of pastors don’t have a close friend. This doesn’t happen without intention. As Bill says, “It takes initiative to develop relationships.”

2) Effective spiritual practices look different in each season of discipleship. Bill walks us through such a helpful breakdown of each of the stages of the discipleship journey. I found it really interesting that he highlights that we often keep ourselves in the first 3 stages and struggle to move past “the wall” and into the later 3 stages.

3) We need to stop running so fast. I love the practice Bill leads us through at the end. It might feel a little weird to you, but it’s so important to take the time to breathe, to rest in God, and calm our soul.

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