The Future of The 95 Podcast – Episode 101

The Future of The 95 Podcast – Episode 101

What a season it’s been here at 95Network. God is doing incredible things in His Church right now and it is simply so meaningful to get a front-row seat to how God is moving within the hearts of church leaders across the country. He truly is so faithful!

Along those lines, this week we’ve got an update for you. 👀 The 95 Podcast has been a big piece of how our ministry has expanded over the last 2-3 years, and it’s going to look a little bit different moving forward!

Today, we’re giving you ALL the details on what’s next. Listen in for some memories, some God stories, and some excitement for the upcoming changes for this resource! 🎉


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Meet Your Next Co-Host

Caralee Culpepper graduated with a Communications degree from Clemson University in 2008 and has spent the last 13 years working in content marketing, writing, and editing. As a pastor’s kid who grew up in medium-sized churches, she’s witnessed the challenges that come with ministry and has a passion for serving those in need and seeing churches succeed. She loves working with the foster parent resource center through her church and leading a community group with her husband.

Caralee currently lives in Greer, SC with her husband, David, and their two kids, Nora and Foster.

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