Jimmy Dodd on Why Pastors Fall, Every Leader’s Primary Ministry, and the Most Common Lie Our Enemy Whispers to Pastors – Episode 80

Jimmy Dodd on Why Pastors Fall, Every Leader’s Primary Ministry, and the Most Common Lie Our Enemy Whispers to Pastors – Episode 80


Today’s conversation is one of my favorite episodes of the podcast.

After 20 years of serving as a pastor, Jimmy formalized his ministry to other pastors in 1999 by founding PastorServe. A well-known and respected speaker, Jimmy is the author of “Survive or Thrive,” “Pastors are People Too,” and “What Great Ministry Leaders Get Right.” He is also a graduate of Wheaton College and Gordon-Conwell Seminary.

Today, Jimmy shares what it was like leading at Grace Chapel when Gordon MacDonald had a moral failure, why so many pastors fall, what they consistently are hearing from leaders at PastorServe, what separates remorse and repentance, and the most common lies the Enemy whispers to church leaders.

This is an episode for your soul and you don’t want to miss it!

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Key Takeaways

1) “You can have the flashiest front stage in the world, and your life can be an absolute mess.” Let that sink in for a second. It’s far too easy to emphasize what other people see while we ignore the aspects of our life that most people don’t see. That never ends well.

2) Jesus didn’t heal everyone. You can’t be everything to everyone. You can’t fix everything. I love Jimmy’s explanation towards the end of the episode about the healing at the pool of Bethesda. Powerful.

3) All of life is ministry, and your family is your primary ministry. When you leave the church to go to your child’s baseball game (or something along those lines), you’re not leaving “the ministry” to go to a baseball game. You’re leaving your secondary ministry for your primary ministry.

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