How We are Planning to Serve Church Leaders in 2022 – Episode 110

How We are Planning to Serve Church Leaders in 2022 – Episode 110

Welcome to 2022! Happy New Year!

We are so excited for what God is going to do this year in your church and here at 95Network. The past couple years have been so difficult for everyone, uniquely so for church leaders. But that doesn’t limit our God. He is still at work, still moving, and He wants to make a huge difference in your community.

In today’s episode, we’re sharing some recent results from a national survey of small-church pastors we did last year, revisiting what God did in 2021, and looking forward to where we feel He’s leading us in 2022.

As always, we are cheering you on! God wants to use you to accomplish incredible things. We hope this episode is an encouragement to you as we kickoff this year!


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Key Takeaways

1) You are not alone. We love you. We care about you. The work you are doing matters so much, and we see you.

2) Jesus is faithful. More than anything else, let this truth sink in. Jesus is not done with you or your church. He wants to lead you to what’s next.

3) I’m choosing to call the last couple years The Great Correction. This season of ministry has been an “accelerator,” and that has meant that it’s exposed a lot of unhealthy dynamics in congregations across the country.

4) The last couple years really have been tough on leaders. We saw some expected and unexpected results to our national survey. Above all, it’s clear that the last couple years have been really hard on leaders, and how we move forward from here is truly so important.

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