Big Shoes To Fill (w/ Gavin Adams) – Episode 223

Big Shoes To Fill (w/ Gavin Adams) – Episode 223

Following a previous leader is always a difficult challenge, whether the leader was well thought of or not. This is especially true when it comes to transition in the church. Gavin Adams joins Dale on today’s 95Podcast to discuss his new book entitled, “Big Shoes To Fill: Stepping Into A Leadership Role . . . Without Stepping In It.” This is a great conversation around the dynamics of what the new leader “inherits” as they assume the reigns of an organization.

Gavin gives practical and personal wisdom that he has gained over the years of helping churches and marketplace organizations walk through leadership transition.


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Key Takeaways

1) Following a previous leader is challenging simply because most people do not like change.

2) One of the most critical tasks for the new leader is to take the time to build a relational connection with the new organization. Position-oriented leadership will not produce positive results.

3) In succession planning at the new job, it’s paramount to begin almost immediately to start identifying your potential replacement.

4) Great leaders understand the need to allow the organization the time to work through the grieving process over the former leader. Wise leaders know that this can’t be rushed.


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