The expectations placed on church staff often exceed the realm of possibility.
You live most days with an internal pressure to perform at a high level while also providing answers for every question and complicated situation that arises. If we are being honest, there’s a lot that we don’t know. And even if your knowledge and experience are vast, it is still helpful to have someone walk with you and support you through the ups and downs of ministry.
There has never been a better time to explore the benefits of having a coach who “has been there and done that.” Some of the greatest leadership lessons we can learn often come from the wisdom, experience and guidance of those who may be a little further down the road than us.

Blueprint for a Healthy Church Coaching
This 6-month coaching program unites a skilled and seasoned ministry coach with a group of up to 12 church leaders to provide a powerful and transformational coaching experience. Over the course of six monthly sessions, group participants will receive coaching in the areas of their personal and church health. This coaching program includes a monthly 1-hour coaching call, exclusive content and access to an ongoing group chat for all group members. Theses group chats are designed for communication in addition to the monthly calls.
Check out 95Podcast #125 on YouTube to learn about all of our Coaching Pathways.
Email Jon Sanders

Small Church Pastor Mastermind
This mastermind is not for everyone! This is a group of no more that 12 pastors who are already leading at a high level. These leaders also desire to keep growing both personally and professionally with the support and encouragement that comes from a highly committed and engaged team around them. A mastermind is not “group coaching” where everyone shows up to hear what one person (the group coach) has to say. A mastermind brings a select group of people together who ALL have something of value to offer the others in the group. Members benefit from the collective knowledge, experiences, resources and relationships of everyone else in the group. Jon Sanders knows from personal experience the powerful changes that can occur in your leadership through the mastermind.
To be accepted into this mastermind you must meet the following criteria:
- Be a pastor of a small to midsize church.
- Commit to a minimum of 12 months in the mastermind.
- Agree to make 95% of our weekly calls (we recognize life happens and you won’t be able to make them all.)
- Fill out an application and be invited into the mastermind.
Check out 95Podcast #125 on YouTube to learn about all of our Coaching Pathways.
Email Jon Sanders

Digital Discipleship Coaching
95Network has added a new feature designed to encourage any local pastor that offers coaching in the digital and online space. Communications Coach Jesse Barnett has created a 4-week process to help you “get more mileage out of your message.” Learn first-hand from how Digital Discipleship Coaching helped Pastor John Nunnally and Pastor Gary Boles here:
Just click the button below to learn how you can take the message that you’ve already created for the congregation INSIDE the church and use the highlights to reach people OUTSIDE of your church.
Listen to 95Podcast #152 w/Jesse on “Too Great Of An Opportunity To Be Missed.”
95Podcast #152 w/Jesse on YouTube.
Email Jesse

Volunteer & Hospitality Coaching
If you’re like most churches then there is a constant struggle to recruit, retain and engage volunteers on a continual basis. We always teach in our conferences that “need is NOT a volunteer strategy.” Mary Ann Sibley has the passion, experience and structure to help you create a thriving volunteer experience each week.
Be sure to reach out to Mary Ann today to gain from her many years of experience and wisdom by allowing her to coach you in developing a sustainable and healthy volunteer culture.
Listen to 95Podcast #71 w/Mary Ann on “Your In-Person Experience Matters Now More Than Ever.”
95Podcast #71 w/Mary Ann on YouTube.
Email Mary Ann

Discipleship Facilitation & Coaching
Transformational Discipleship is a training & implementation platform that helps church leaders structure discipleship to help people become like Jesus.
Our mission is to make the world more like heaven through churches filled with people who love like Jesus.
What will you learn?
* The stages of the Transformational Discipleship program
* The design of each stage of the program
* The pathway through the program for leaders like you
95Podcast – Transformational Discipleship (w/ Matt Adair) – Episode 167
Meet 95Network’s Director of Discipleship (w/ Matt Adair) – BONUS EPISODE on YouTube.
Email Matt