Adapting & Recovering to COVID-19 (w/ Karl Vaters) – Episode 33

Adapting & Recovering to COVID-19 (w/ Karl Vaters) – Episode 33


It is always so special to us to have conversations with others who have a passion, understanding, and care for small churches. Karl Vaters checks all of those boxes. Our conversations with him are some of our favorites, and this one is no different!

For Episode 33 of the podcast, we have Karl back on the show to talk about his own experiences in crisis leadership, how he’s currently helping churches adapt to and recover from COVID-19, the importance of team leadership during this time, and a whole lot more. And, of course, there are quite a few laughs, and a mention of Karl’s late cat, Darth.

Some great wisdom and support in this episode!

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Here are some key takeaways from today’s conversation:

  1. We’ve all seen the importance of adapting, but we’re also approaching a time where we need a plan for recovery. We can see that time coming and it will look different for every church. But if we don’t develop a plan when we can clearly see the need coming, we’ll never develop one!
  2. There’s likely a hybrid-place coming and it will feel really awkward for leaders. A lot of us have struggled to navigate the past couple months as we’ve adapted. But soon things will get a little more foggy. We may technically be able to meet, but should we? And those decisions fall on us as leaders.
  3. Churches with a team-based leadership model are doing better right now. This was one of my favorite aspects of this conversation towards the end of the episode. Karl shared some great wisdom about our calling in Ephesians 4 related to the work of ministry during this crisis, along with encouragement to assemble a “coalition of the willing.” So good.

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