Exploring The Christian Career Center (w/ Kevin Brennfleck) – Episode 170

Exploring The Christian Career Center (w/ Kevin Brennfleck) – Episode 170

Are you fulfilled in your current career choice? What if an organization could help guide you into the career path that aligns with your gifts, calling, and passion? Kevin Brennfleck joins Dale on today’s 95Podcast to discuss the possibilities that await you should you be willing to look at your vocational options.

The Christian Career Center exists to provide thorough guidance in helping you discover your God-given abilities. Unfortunately, far too many people spend their lives working in areas that are not a great fit for how they are created. You’ll find today’s podcast to be a great resource that understands the next steps necessary to experience vocational fulfillment.


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Key Takeaways

1) Many people feel stuck in their current job situation. It’s common to focus your college studies in fields that you never work in vocationally.

2) Over 46 million Americans quit their jobs during the pandemic. Many of them discovered opportunities to either work from home entirely or embrace a hybrid model of working from home sometimes. They realized the amount of time spent driving to work each day could be better used in a different area.

3) You don’t necessarily have to serve as the pastor of a local church to fulfill the calling into full-time ministry. There are many avenues to discover that can be pretty satisfying and provide a good income that isn’t pastoring a local church.

4) God designed each of us with gifts, talents, and specific passions for things that He wants us to embrace. Finding the place to serve in your passion that intersects with meeting a real need will make a big difference in the world.


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