How Leading Through The Pandemic Brought Personal Freedom (w/ Rusty Richards) – Episode 155

How Leading Through The Pandemic Brought Personal Freedom (w/ Rusty Richards) – Episode 155

Pastor Rusty Richards has always been an overachiever. He’s also been blessed to serve in ministries that have experienced steady growth throughout his ministry experiences of serving in several staff roles before becoming a Lead Pastor. However, the impact of leading his church and team through the beginning of the 2020 pandemic shutdown brought to the surface some things that Rusty had been burying inside for many years.

Rusty joins Dale on today’s podcast to discuss how he came face to face with some deep-seated issues, hurts, and trauma that could no longer be avoided. He transparently walks us through his path to healing as he has sought the much-needed help he was looking for. Rusty’s story will impact every leader.


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Key Takeaways

1) It’s essential to learn the difference between being a pastor who loves people and one who is a people pleaser.

2) Developing trust in pastor-to-staff / staff-to-pastor relationships is necessary for healthy, sustained ministry. It’s hard to create an atmosphere of trust when you don’t trust those on your leadership team.

3) There are times when it’s necessary to go back into the early stages of our lives to determine where the initial impact of trauma revealed itself in our emotional health.

4) Finding trusted mentors, counselors and trainers are not optional. Even when you’re hurting deeply, it’s essential to find the strength to seek help.


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