How VisionDay Helped Calvary Church (w/ Frank Termine) – Episode 178

How VisionDay Helped Calvary Church (w/ Frank Termine) – Episode 178

Calvary Church in West Hartford, Connecticut, reached a point in 2019 when it was apparent that they could use some “outside eyes” to help them gain clarity. Pastor Frank Termine connected with Dale while attending a conference in Clinton, Connecticut. Dale had mentioned that 95Network offered an event called VisionDay, designed to help an individual church gain clarity of mission and vision.

Calvary Church did host a VisionDay in February 2020. Unfortunately, it was only a few weeks later that the pandemic shutdown was implemented nationwide. Today’s podcast conversation with Pastor Frank is a wonderful testimony of how Jesus used VisionDay to prepare Calvary Church for a new focus for impacting the surrounding communities.

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Key Takeaways

1) God was preparing Frank Termine for ministry many years before he knew it. After being disappointed by not getting a deserved promotion, Jesus softened Frank’s heart for a higher calling.

2) The only way to reach a diverse community is to have diversity in your leadership and ministry focus. 

3) Bringing in “outside eyes” to help you see what you don’t see is a top priority for great leaders.

4) Although hearing the truth sometimes hurts, a lack of honesty in evaluating your ministry’s effectiveness can lead to a church on life-support.


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