Intentional Relationship Solutions (w/ Dan Houk) – Episode 163

Intentional Relationship Solutions (w/ Dan Houk) – Episode 163

Dan stated, “After my divorce, I didn’t know if I would ever be married again. I had a lot of pain and confusion. But deep in my heart, I wanted someone whom I could love and who would love me back. A person whom I could share my life with me. Even though I was married before, I had missed some of this. However, my dating life didn’t indicate I would be married again.”

In today’s 95Podcast, Dan Houk shares that in his experience, most people in Christian circles are open to a loving, committed marriage. It’s just that they are sometimes still hurting, feel unprepared, feel awkward about looking around, or have lost hope because of their circumstances. This is an “eye-opening” conversation designed to help all church leaders see a valuable segment of society that is right before our eyes.


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Key Takeaways

1) In most cases, approximately 50% of the adults who attend your church are single.

2) Some of the greatest servants, volunteers, and workers in any local church are often single folks looking for community and a place to belong.

3) It’s detrimental to the successful singles ministry for the lead pastor and senior leadership to create value and buy-in with ministry to singles. This is a large segment of society that should be addressed simply because leadership needs to figure out how to best minister to singles.

4) God has always shown Himself to be the God of a second chance. Unfortunately, American churches, as a whole, do a poor job of providing opportunities for single folks to have a place of impactful ministry. Sadly, this happens because most leaders are not single and need to put forth the effort to minister to single people truly.


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