Leading Through Changing Times (w/ Kaitlyn Wood) – Episode 189

Leading Through Changing Times (w/ Kaitlyn Wood) – Episode 189

Kaitlyn Wood has always had an opinion! Her teen years were filled with moments of “pushing the envelope” just because she could. After settling some issues in her own heart, Kaitlyn committed to a life of full-time ministry service.

Kaitlyn joins Dale on today’s 95Podcast to talk through many ministry-related issues, such as following her dad as lead pastor of her local church. In fact, her dad serves on staff with her today! This is an excellent conversation on the challenges facing women who answer the call to serve the local church in today’s climate.


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Key Takeaways

1) Growing up in a home where both mom and dad used their gifts to serve the local church allowed Kaitlyn to develop confidence in her calling.

2) The sudden loss of her mother led Kaitlyn to deep soul-searching as she processed her grief. 

3) There can be a lot of pressure for any child who assumes leadership roles where their father has served for decades. To avoid many of the usual pitfalls, Kaitlyn and her dad had an honest, “no holding back” conversation about the challenges that certainly were lying ahead.

4) The pressure of serving as lead pastor of a church has a unique set of issues that female leaders face, which their male counterparts don’t face. Kaitlyn discusses some of these in today’s conversation.


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