Your In-Person Experience Matters Now More Than Ever (w/ Mary Ann Sibley) – Episode 71

Your In-Person Experience Matters Now More Than Ever (w/ Mary Ann Sibley) – Episode 71

We’ve all been focusing a lot on online ministry for the past year, and for good reason. But today’s conversation is swinging the pendulum back in the opposite direction: If we’re truly going to be a hybrid ministry, we need to have an intentional in-person experience prepared.

Mary Ann Sibley is one of the best. She is the founder of MatterSpark, an organization all about helping churches build leaders to build healthy volunteer teams.

Mary Ann grew up Buddhist, and was 40 years old before anyone ever invited her to church and she was transformed by Jesus. Before long, she was a volunteer. Not too long later, she started a volunteer ministry from scratch, growing it into the thousands.

Friends, this episode is one you should listen to. I am certain you’ll find it encouraging and inspiring as you navigate this week.

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Key Takeaways

1) People’s first impressions of your in-person service are determined in minutes. How are you communicating that you are prepared and that people are making the best decision of their Sunday by coming to church?

2) Look for the people in your church who seem to get it. And empower them. Mary Ann tells stories of churches she’s worked with where volunteers have felt like they weren’t allowed to lead the charge to engage new people. How are you casting the vision for your people, letting them run with it, and providing accountability along the way?

3) “At the end of the day, the church needs to be the place we all find refuge and hope.” If our church isn’t a place where people find hope and belonging, what is it? The experience people have through our ministry is more important now than it’s ever been.

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