Rural Advancement (w/ Joe Epley) – Episode 191

Rural Advancement (w/ Joe Epley) – Episode 191

Joe Epley joins Dale today to discuss leading ministry in the rural setting. Joe has extensively researched the dynamics of serving people in the rural setting through the local church. They discuss some of the trends and challenges unique to rural ministry.

Things are definitely changing in “how” we lead in the new church culture. Today’s podcast offers some great wisdom and solid advice for any leader in the rural setting.


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Key Takeaways

1) The dynamic of pastoring in the rural setting has some unique challenges. One of the most significant challenges is developing trust with a congregation if you are an “outsider” from another area.

2) It is becoming apparent that many churches will need to develop a financial strategy that includes income from sources beyond contributions from their membership. 

3) Ministry in the coming decade will require a renewed authenticity in providing ministry. The shift has moved from “observing” a service each week to “participating” in it.

4) Bi-vocational pastoral leadership is a healthy way for pastors to approach the paradigm shift that is currently underway.


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