See The World! (w/ Jordan Hibbard) – Episode 205

See The World! (w/ Jordan Hibbard) – Episode 205

Jordan Hibbard is an excellent example of how each phase of his life prepared him for the next stage. He grew up in the Philippines, where his parents served as missionaries for many years. He recently finished serving as the Trips & Speakers Director at Clayton King Ministries, where he planned dozens of short-term missions and trips to the Holy Land.

Today, Jordan serves as the Church Partnership Specialist for Wilcox Travels, where he works with pastors and churches throughout America, helping them develop short-term mission trips and trips to take their congregations to the Holy Land. You’ll enjoy getting to know Jordan and his passion for assisting leaders in travel plans.


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Key Takeaways

1) Growing up as a missionary kid caused Jordan to have a tremendous heart for the nations. His passion is for everyone, everywhere, to meet Jesus personally.

2) While serving at Clayton King Ministries, Jordan developed the skills necessary to coordinate trips with churches to travel abroad. Those skills enable him to help churches and pastors schedule affordable trips no matter the church’s size or budget.

3) Traveling to the Holy Land is often out of reach for the small church pastor. However, Jordan can help any leader find a pathway to fulfill their heart’s desire to walk where Jesus walked.

4) Many churches had to turn their focus “inward” for a season as they navigate the impact of the pandemic on their ministry. As you renew your desire to serve the nations, Jordan is available to help you go where the Lord is calling you to go.


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