Space Together (w/ Justin Knapp) – Episode 198

Space Together (w/ Justin Knapp) – Episode 198

Justin Knapp’s story is unique. He was not raised in a Christian home. In fact, his upbringing was far from Christian. However, Justin sensed the Lord’s calling to commit his life to Jesus in his early teens. There was no influence from a church. There was no special crusade that got his attention. Nothing. He simply heard the voice of Jesus calling him to follow Him, and the rest is history.

Today, Justin uses his passion for the local church to assist ministries that need to create other sources of revenue in addition to weekly giving. Space Together was created out of his church’s situation, which was quite daunting at the time.

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Key Takeaways

1) It doesn’t require a background in Christian living or upbringing for Jesus to use you. When he sensed the Lord calling him, Justin knew nothing about salvation or Christianity.

2) Assessing the impact of great mentors is almost impossible. Justin had an entrepreneur take him under his wing, training him in many facets of leadership and ministry. . . His mentor also “kicked him out of the nest” when the time was right. 

3) Many churches have excellent facilities that are only used a few hours weekly. Space Together provides a link to help you find those in your community who need space and are willing to pay top dollar for the right space and location.

4) Looking at the horizon for churches in the coming decades requires us to discover new avenues of financial resources and stability. Sadly, many churches will wait until it’s too late or they are in a pressure-filled situation to research new possibilities.


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