The Best Of 2023: Bi-Vocational Ministry Isn’t Trendy (w/ Ira Antoine) – Episode 213

The Best Of 2023: Bi-Vocational Ministry Isn’t Trendy (w/ Ira Antoine) – Episode 213

Ira Antoine began his adult life as an engineer for NASA. However, he soon sensed a calling to give up pursuing an engineering career to answer the call into ministry. So, after stepping away, he served on staff at a local church, eventually becoming the Lead Pastor.

Today, Ira serves churches throughout Texas and beyond, specifically focusing on bi-vocational pastors in a rural context. This episode of the 95Podcast is filled with wisdom that only comes from overcoming the obstacles that decades of ministry in the local church can create.


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Key Takeaways

1) The power of discipleship was displayed in Ira’s life as he had three different lay leaders take him under their wings to mentor him after his conversion.

2) Bi-Vocational may be “trendy,” but it is not a trend. We’ve had leaders serving in a bi-vocational context for centuries. 

3) The most important decision you can make is to settle, prioritizing your personal health and family relationships over your ministry vocation.

4) Pastors will have to come to grips with the motives behind their desire to emphasize “in-person” gatherings at the expense of ignoring online ministry potential. Our approach should be more of a hybrid model where we do the best we can in-person and online.


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