Engaging In Social Media And What It Means For The Church (w/ Chris Martin) – Episode 129

Engaging In Social Media And What It Means For The Church (w/ Chris Martin) – Episode 129

Social media is undoubtedly a hot topic in the world today—in both secular cultures and our churches. So what does that mean for us as Christians? Should we embrace all social media has to offer or treat it as something that opposes our beliefs? 

Today, we’re talking with Chris Martin, who has spent more than a decade in digital and content marketing for businesses like Lifeway Christian Resources and Moody Publishers. His recently released book, Terms of Service: The Real Cost of Social Media, sheds light on how social media is a dominating force in our lives, how it affects us in ways we don’t even realize, and why we need to be cautious about how we engage with the internet. 

We’ll talk about how to live wisely while still engaging in social media. Plus, we’ll also talk about how we can use social media as a positive medium to reach the lost and how churches can benefit from spreading good news across these outlets. 


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Key Takeaways

1) Social media isn’t inherently wrong or evil, but it’s also not inherently neutral either. While the algorithms that social media uses don’t recognize what desires are “good” or “bad,” they are designed to draw us more deeply into our desires rather than to deliver us from them. 

2) We don’t have to extricate social media from our lives; we just need to be aware of it. We can take some practical steps to be cautious about social media. In particular, it’s important not to let attention (likes or views) dictate your value. It’s also wise to be guarded about how much information you share about yourself for the sole purpose of self-expression.

3) We can use social media for good in the church! While there seems to be a non-stop funnel of negative information on social media, we have the chance to share the Good News through it as well. Social media can give your church access to an audience that it wouldn’t have otherwise reached. It makes it easy to start engaging with people who want to know more about Jesus. 

4) Social media is likely disciplining the people in your church as much, if not more than you are. While pastors obviously don’t have time to act as the social media police, it’s important to be aware of what’s shaping the people in your church and the surrounding culture to combat the constant influence of social media.


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