Transferable Discipleship, Surrendering Control, & Freedom From Porn (w/ Darrell Stetler) – Episode 90

Transferable Discipleship, Surrendering Control, & Freedom From Porn (w/ Darrell Stetler) – Episode 90

(Are you signed up for our National Conference in November? Get all the details here!)

Today we get to share a special conversation with you.

Darrell Stetler is a small-church pastor in Oklahoma City as well as the creator of New Start Discipleship, a family of tools to help pastors develop a culture of real discipleship in their ministry.

In this conversation, Darrell openly shares about getting past the surrender and pain of control in ministry, his journey towards freedom from porn, what he’s learned about real discipleship in ministry, practical ways pastors can prioritize “transferable discipleship” in the church they lead, a perspective shift on systems, and so much more.

You can get a free copy of the NewStart Discipleship Journal here, and we hope this episode is such an encouragement to you!


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Key Takeaways

1) “The Kingdom of God has never been more real to me than in the last 18 months.” His Kingdom is growing and increasing and will never end, no matter the circumstances. This is such a deep encouragement as we continue to navigate uncertainty all around us.

2) Getting past the surrender and pain of your own control leads you to new joy in ministry. I really appreciate Darrell’s openness about the dreams he had going into ministry, and the goals he had from a numbers perspective. When those didn’t take place (which many of us can relate with), he came face-to-face with his own struggles for control.

3) We’re here to make disciples, not collect attenders. Darrell talks all about the difference today and provides a super practical tool to help us move in this direction!

4) As long as we keep things in the dark, they grow in strength and power. But when we bring them out to the light, they start to die. What needs to come from the dark to the light in your life?

5) If it’s not transferable, it’s not multipliable. So many times we try to recreate the wheel every time we’re helping a new Christian learn Scripture and who Jesus is. It doesn’t need to be that way.

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