Crisis Reveals Leadership Insecurity: Why That Matters and How to Address it
The debilitating effects of insecurity boldly come rushing out of the shadows when the insecure leader is forced into crisis management.
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The YouTube version is available below.
As a church leader, you may have begun ministry with dreams of making an eternal impact. But years of striving, stress, and strain have left you feeling defeated, disillusioned, and stalled. But there is hope, in this reading plan, Dale shares how God views you and your ministry regardless of size or any other typical measurement.
Amazon Review Phillip Stewart
Amazon Review Stacey
Reviewed in the United States on December 11, 2020
Amazon Review Bethany Assembly
Reviewed in the United States on March 4, 2022
Amazon Review Digital Storyteller
Reviewed in the United States on September 1, 2020
Amazon Review Darren DePaul
Reviewed in the United States on October 22, 2020
Dale has experienced both the highs and lows of ministry. He’s experienced the joys of serving people, but also has the scars from a life spent in the church. This book was not written from an ivory tower but in the battle ground of ministry. As you read through this book you will find encouragement, authenticity, truthfulness, and the words of an experienced pastor who lived through the peaks and valleys of ministry and still loves people and the church!
I know Dale personally and I can tell you this – he loves Jesus, his family, and the local church. He has personally helped me in ministry. He spoke words of hard truth into my life when I was “stalled,” but also words of incredible refreshment. Less than a year ago spoke words of encouragement that blessed me and my wife immensely. This book will challenge you and encourage you!
I am so glad that Dale wrote this book to serve countless other pastors that need to hear and believe once again there is hope and it’s found in faithfully following and serving Jesus! If you’re a layperson buy this book for your pastor. If you’re a pastor buy this book for yourself and purchase a few more for your pastoral colleagues.
Our 95Podcast episodes, blog posts, and books have been specifically designed to provide encouraging teaching and guidance on the issues that you face in daily ministry.
Discover even more resources and join the nation-wide community of 95Network by becoming a member today.
According to Ephesians 4:11 – 12, the main function of church leadership is to equip believers for the work of the ministry.
Equipping others, however, is difficult. Our blog posts address the practical ways that church leaders can build communities of support and encourage other believers to be the hands and feet of Christ in the Church and the larger community.
The debilitating effects of insecurity boldly come rushing out of the shadows when the insecure leader is forced into crisis management.
This week on the blog, we’re not sharing any tips, ideas, challenges, or anything else like that. We’re simply giving you space, just one minute, to breathe and listen for your God.
Whether we like it or not, the past few weeks have not only revealed the kind of builder we are, it has also revealed what we are building on.
When time is called and we are able to re-engage with one another in public services – let’s not be too hasty in putting it all back together in the same way, just like it was before COVID-19.
With entries from Karl Vaters, Tony Morgan, and many other ministry leaders, we pray this resource is a daily encouragement to you as you navigate this season of life and ministry.
Recently, our friends at City Church in Albany, NY (Michael is one of the pastors in our network) reached out to us with a resource they had put together that listed the steps they had taken in response to COVID-19.
Here are 10 ways to effectively lead your church through COVID-19. And really, you may discover these ideas are good practices during any season:
No doubt the past week has changed so much so quickly. COVID-19 left many churches confused and conflicted about what the best next steps are as restrictions continued to be shared by our leaders to help contain the spread of the virus.
If we want to leverage our online presence to reach our community, it starts with our website and the digital content we create. Not our church app.
Put simply, revitalization that results in changing the appearance of our ministry without changing the approach of our ministry will only be short-lived.
We often see churches who either intentionally or unintentionally create barriers for their community in how they’re structured and how they “do” church.
These two things have a ripple effect across every area of the church. And addressing them is a crucial way to gain more momentum in our efforts to make a real difference in our communities for Jesus.
Discouraged. It’s how every leader has felt at one point or another when we want to be somewhere we’re not. Dale navigated his own experiences of disappointment in himself and uncovered key truths about leadership in ministry that can anchor and guide us today.
Dale Sellers of 95Network believes this trend is largely due to discouragement among our pastors. Many church leaders begin ministry with dreams of making an eternal impact. But years of striving, stress, and strain have left them feeling defeated, disillusioned, and stalled.
Thankfully, there is hope that ministry can turn around for the discouraged pastor. As a former minister who’s been in the trenches, Dale Sellers reveals that:
In STALLED, you will discover your sweet spot and realize you are closer to being “there” than you know.
All episodes will be posted here on the website, and are also available wherever you listen to podcasts.
Hosted by Caralee Culpepper and Dale Sellers, our executive director, and a former small church pastor, our 95Network podcast is a wealth of information specifically for small-church pastors—delivered in a candid, kind, and concise way. We cover pressing topics in modern ministry, annual trends, and more.
After observing many ministry marriages, we determined that we would not sacrifice our marriage and our children on the altar of ministry.
Growth and passion can only occur when individuals feel a strong sense of belonging.
Helping churches to change from being programed based to pathway based takes time. However, it can be done if trust is established by honoring where everyone in the room is coming from.
One of the goals of the devotional book is to move its reader towards spiritual transformation. Just like a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, you can transform from a new Christian to a mature believer through the study of God’s Word.
Your true identity isn’t wrapped up in all of the things you overcome. It’s found in becoming the person that God created you to be from the start.
An annual retreat creates opportunities for clarifying your vision for your marriage and the life you’re building.
There are certainly a lot of hard times in ministry leadership. However, it’s good to remind ourselves from time to time of the ministry joys that we’ve encountered along the way.
It’s not a “badge of honor” to ignore your own personal emotional health for the sake of the ministry.
There comes a point when you must identify and begin to intentionally train your next leaders with your succession plan in mind.
A natural phenomenon that led to much of the megachurch movement was the relocation of the population to the suburbs.
Consistently spending time journaling each day was the most important thing that Chuck did that allowed him to navigate the tough times.
It’s imperative for us to find one or two trusted friends to help us walk through the valley of despair and discouragement. Without them, it’s almost impossible to regain ministry traction.